Monday, February 1, 2010


I am really tired, but there is so much to do. A part of me tries to reduce how much I spend, but then again is it really me spending it? Don't make things hard for yourself. I hate it when I push the buttons too many times and I end up erasing much too much. The grammys was fun today. Too bad I didn't get to watch too much of it. So about the shipping. Either way, I still end up paying for it. I need to remember to keep things simple for myself. Remember the monthly fee is waved so I should use it since usually I would be paying for it. So problem solved. So many things that needs to be done..

  • Undies roses
  • Buy salad
  • Buy photo paper for binder
  • Use
  • Zon books
  • Put cloths away
So I just stopped by the post office. This morning I was thinking about some things that did not make me happy. For now I really can't be too bothered by it since as time passes, I feel myself feeling less. I am like just going through the motions. Friends perhaps. It seems to work ever so slightly better. Stopped by cub as well ad bought some discount tissue. Not like many people were buying it either, maybe it's not such a good deal as we anticipate. I still want to do what I can regardless. I am not sure if doing the postage thing is easier or not. But at least for this month, there's not much of a difference. Got to try to stay away from all things that are heavy. It makes things more complicated. But why should I be concerned? It's not my money after all.

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