Saturday, February 13, 2010


Is it really?

Daily Planetary Overview - Mercury will be opposite Mars today, and there will be a New Moon in Aquarius. You'll feel strongly independent and won't hesitate to voice your opinions. You'll engage in debates and will probably come out on the winning side.

Your Horoscope - Today, Feb. 13, 2010
A passionate letter or phone call from a romantic partner could have you longing for his company, Melly, and so you're likely to make a night of it this evening. You're both feeling happy, glowing in each other's company. One or both of you will have career successes to report; relations with coworkers and superiors alike should be cooperative and congenial today, and this works well for your future. Enjoy.

Tarot reading for Melly:
The Hanged Man

The Lovers

The Star

In terms of your personal life, the vacillation of those around you is getting to you today, dear Melly. The Lovers hold sway in the emotional sphere today, revealing hesitant and somewhat fickle behavior on the part of your nearest and dearest. All this is very unsettling for you, to the point that where certain people are concerned, you feel as if you’re getting nowhere, as neither of you has faith in the other. A word of advice: ignore your doubts and try to communicate. In the professional sphere, you feel a mounting sense of frustration. There is still no end in sight for on-going negotiations, your projects are stalling, and you have the unpleasant feeling of being totally at the mercy of your superiors to get anything done. Try not to brood and see everything from the dark side (the Lovers), but instead exploit the powers of your imagination (the Star) in order to come up with an idea that will enthuse the people who are currently plotting against you.

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