Monday, February 22, 2010


Lead Role


You begin by asking:
'What can she learn from this?'

To learn how to make the most of your
role, buy Find Your Strongest Life.

Your focus is instinctively toward the other person. Not her feelings, necessarily, but her understanding, her performance, her skills.

Your best quality:
Your faith in the others’ potential

Tailor your style to each student

Be careful you:
Don’t come to believe that everyone is capable of everything

Your smartest career move:
Any job where you’re paid to facilitate the success of others.

How interesting. But I should try to be a good mistress. I know what I want to do is not being a good mistress. So how should I be? Should I want another to be happy? To disconnect myself from the situation. Don't put my dog in the fight.

I didn't get much sleep this weekend and especailly Friday it was a headache day. It was a pulsing one. The next day was better, but not by much. Today slept through most of the day. I need to concern myself with less things. The less I care, the more free I can be. Who knew Lu serves a purpose. So unexpected. And you wondered why am still friends with... I need someone on the inside.

The things I need to get done seems to be other peoples things other than my own. It seems to be like an never ending nagging child. I want to reevaluate things. But I am just tired of it all.

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