Tuesday, February 23, 2010


~Dreams Among other Things~
How strange it is. So of late I know I have had at least 3 dreams, but I do not remember them very well besides the one about the snow zombies and how I was trying to prove they were real and they turned out to be after going to a grave yard to check when one that came back to life tried to eat us. The other was about snow as well where I fell through some ice and could not get out of the hole and i started to take off the winter cloths to be lighter to get out. I think there was more to it but I can not remember. The later was a pet store one like petco type but Marry owned it. Started off when it was cold out and I wanted to let a chickadee in and 4 flue in. One got a little excited and went to the top of the cieling to look for food. I wanted to but out a water dish while the other 3 stayed by the entrance. Then they were harrasing the other birds in the cage. There were 3 rescue cockatiels that were a dark grey blue that were not so friendly, but one was really smart and one yellow on that was friendly. But I like the dark one that was smart. There was also a tortis sleeping on it's back. Else the other cages were empty. I recall worried about leaving them there overnight.

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