Monday, February 22, 2010


Things always seems well when is around. But when that time is over and I am left to reflect what has been going on, I am left with nothing but the suffering. I have been pretty good at putting it off, but how much longer can do this?

You'll have a lot of things that need to get done. However, you'll feel like relaxing and tuning out. Meet your responsibilities first. There may be some things you don't feel like facing today.

Horoscope - Today, Feb. 21, 2010
Be careful not to lose your temper today, dear Melly. You're champing at the bit these days, though your daring nature has been reined in by financial and professional constraints. It's useless to entertain grandiose illusions at the moment. Moreover, you can expect some confrontations if you try. If you are advised to be more conservative, heed the suggestion...

If you were not so terribly frightened of falling from a great height, you could climb up the ladder to romantic fulfillment two rungs at a time, dear Melly… Your problem seems to be that the World and its promises make you suffer from vertigo! Clearly, the Lovers don’t help your self-confidence, and are constantly asking you to look left, right and center with hesitation before every decision, and thus slow you down at every turn. Well, it looks like you cannot go any faster, but keep going anyway!

We will see how far this goes.

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