Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Miss with stingyness

I guess in general I should not wait. It's something I need to make into a pattern. If it's the right time, I should just go for it and not be so stingy. But there is still time. Hopefully there be other oppertunites to come. I pray for thee. If not, there's always the under plan. Though just for me, I would like to add a smudge more to it. But no matter. Things will be as they are.

~Field Trip~
Tomorrow is a field trip. I wonder if I should take pictures. But I do not know if it's something I want to remember or not.

I don't think there is ever a good time. Sometimes is just insane. But I am thinking maybe when on trip, I can be more sure. Especially in the afternoon, I know more likely it will be more safe.

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