Tuesday, December 30, 2008


A comment the brother made was to lasso one in to play games or something to that effect.

Daily Planetary Overview:
The Moon conjunct Chiron will bring the opportunity to realize your hopes and ambitions. Think about what you want to bring into you life, visualize having it, and then be grateful for your blessings. The results will happen later.

Your Horoscope - Today, December 30, 2008
Bask in the sunshine of this day, melly. Focus on the positive aspects of your life and work to expand these energies. There is a great deal of opportunity open to you at this time. The key to honing in this is to stay close to the things that truly bring you the most happiness. The details will work themselves out with almost no effort. Have faith that you will succeed and you will.

For some reason I really like this one. Or at least to me it seems to make sence at least for today especially. It seems that today the brother is in a better mood. For goodness sake he even helped to shovel the snow! So it's a good start. I just want to let all things go now. It's starting to get hard to bare. I really need a new hobby. Something different to do. Something to look forward to. But really with the new year around the corner. Things have not been to shabby. Pretty content after all. From the way things seem right now. Everall it's working out with little to no effort. Except when it comes to matters of the heart. But really, just greatful for even for the fleeting moments. Really can not ask for more. Adding pictures tend to screw things up. Better off just leaving it be.

Forgot one point that was very important that it's too young I just discovered. Not a good sign.
It really isn't meant to be

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