Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Say Jou Say

There was a phrased I like, but it was a wee but long for a simple blog title. So I guess I can leave it blank for now. Or not. Just went to see Troy and I know I was a wee bit late, but sadly I was turned away by the front desk. Either way, still have much to do and it's not like finishing up an assigment and it be done and done. It's more like on going and I don't like the idea that it's never done. But this too will pass. *except for his smexyness ^^

So randomly get a call from eh. But I am starting to think it was just a random mistaken call. I see no justification for it and if there was, already email the punk and taken care of it. All of wahtever we deal with will all pass. This feeling will not last forever and me sitting there dwelling on it does no good. Meetings I know I do not look forward to, but it really has been so long. It's about time we had one.

Either way it will pass and be done with soon enough. Oh and this morning, I don't know if my eyes decieve me, or maybe it was wishful thinking. But scored awsome on the marketing exam. I am not sure the reason, was it really em or was it I disaplined myself as uncomfortable as it was I tryed. Or was is pure luck?

Meeting was alright, ran into eh in Garvy. But dount everything eh says, but just to take it lightly. But I don't plan to stay so long. Not a problem either way, for there is no solution for it now. All will be clear when the time comes. So no worries.

For now I should..

  • Figure out how to do MGMT problems

  • Gather info fo credit default swap

  • Start outline for last Phil paper
*After fliping through Dung book and Bible Lit* I wouldn't be happy if I got it. I am happy with the way things are, sure more would be nice. But it's enough. Just a call once awhile I an content. I don't dare to ask for more although I know I long for more. But it won't make me happy. Or anymore happy, it seems to be like the small things eh does that gives me tempary satisfaction. I will reach out to people with love and compasion weather they reach back or not. But can it be considered as reaching back after getting notes from eh? I didn't ask for it, and there it is.. I am very moved by it. And then there's em. If em can put in the effort to leave a message, I can do the same and then some because I want to. I can

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