Saturday, December 27, 2008


The holiday has come and gone. It was fun this year except my brother didn't get me anything =_= No matter, there really isn't anything I need or want, but he could have even gotten me a piece of candy or even guy ^^. So for a week in review. Got back from scool for break with one day of rest and then the whirl wind started.

  • 12/22 Drove Lu and Jane last minute back to my place for 2 nights. Went to MOA to look around and Lu just wouldn't stop buying me junk. The materialism. I don't know why but it really did upset me that she would feel the need to get me anything. Have to learn to keep my mouth shut and not comment on anything I like. (बुत सोमेतिमेस इ वोंदर इफ आईटी'स सम क्रुएल इन्तेंशन्स इ हवे ठाट इ माय तरी तो मनिपुलाते थे सितुअशन तो तरी तो गेट वहत इ वांट? इ वोर्री अबाउट ठाट. इ रेअल्ली दो, इ ऍम नोट सुर वहत तो दो अबाउट आईटी येत. आईटी मय्बे अ पार्ट ऑफ़ में ठाट इ त्र्येद तो कीप सुप्रेस्सेद. लेट्स से दुरिंग थिस कंद ऑफ़ सीज़न आईटी'स मोरे दिफ्फिकुल्ट तो दो. )
  • 12/24 Droped off Lu to pick eh up। Went to dinners, but didn't expect for most people to think eh was gey lol And I though I was the only one that though that ^^ Else is was nice, it was fun. Pigeon got my a finals surival kit thing lol too funny. 20 bucks, AMP, and can't go worng with some chocolate. ( आईटी वास फूं, व्हो क्नोव्स वहत एह थौघ्त ऑफ़ आईटी। फॉर सम रासों रेअल्ली तौच्य फीलिए, मोरे थान उसुअल। बुत इ रेअल्ली दिदं'टी थिंक अन्य्थिंग ऑफ़ आईटी। इ मैं लिखे ठाट विथ मानी पीपुल। थे फीडबैक इ गोत फ्रॉम थे एवेनिंग वास पोतेंतिअल गेय्नेस लोल और अत लीस्ट फेमिने बेहविओर्स। इ गेस आईटी स्टार्टेड अस अ जोके ठाट वे शौल्ड होल्ड हंड्स एंड थें वौल्ड कीप ओं ग्रादिंग फॉर आईटी। एदिकुलिऔस रेअल्ली। आफ्टर थे डिनर वेंट बेक। वास जुस्त नाप्पिंग एंड नेस्ट थिंग इ क्नोव वास बीइंग मोरे और लेस स्नुग्ग्लेद? आईटी वास आक्वर्ड एंड येत कोम्फोर्ताब्ले। आईटी वास अ सतरंगे सेंसेशन। बुत सो क्यूट गे और नोट लोल। आईटी वास अल्सो सतरंगे हाउ इ वौल्ड बे पिच्केद अत एंड हवे अन आर्म अरौंदमें। बुत आईटी'स लिखे ठाट विथ एवेर्योने रेअल्ली। बुत आईटी हर्ट जुस्त तो ड्रीम अ लिटिल ^^) It was interesting.
  • 12/26 I ended up staying over at LSF and was turned into a giant hamster lol I can blame that on Lu. With 5 blankets and 5 different choices of drinks? It was fun to be an hamster for a day. The next morning got a call to go to Dr. Kim's place for a potluck and it was fun, food not so tasty. All vegi, but the conservation was good. But it went on for a little too long. Six very long hours। Insain. But didn't notice any husband or kids, maybe she was lonely. Intersting place she had. Nice and cozy. She has good taste. ( एंड दोएस प्लेयिंग फूत्सिए काउंट? लोल नव, जुस्त लिखे तो पिचक ओं में।) After that shin dig, no matter the weather, decided to, or no, more like determined to go home. Although I know it was my bad for being late and I know mom was upset that I didn't call. Or at least I think that was the issue. There's a small chance it maybe for a another reason. So also gave a ride and droped off at a friend's place that was actually near Pigeon. Nice place.

Today got some input from some people and who knew there was such a thing as gey acting people. No matter, it doesn't change anything. Something seemed a miss today. I am not sure what it is. But something feels worng. Since that feeling, things have not been going right. Maybe just need to refresh. But I still do have this odd feeling that something is worng. Just can't put my finger on it. Can't say being cold and having the internet be so slow is helping. And the translation doesn't work either saddly. But a positive point for the day was that I did slightly better than I expected grade wise. I did reach my goal. So it means I have much more to do now. I really for some time thought about what would I do if I didn't make my goal? Hopefully after tomorrow, things will be better. Or even after a shower, I will feel better. There's just something really bothering me right now.

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