Thursday, December 18, 2008

Gives you Hell

I hope it gives you hell. I really am in it. Someone sure gave it to me or did I walk right into it. So today was not so bad. At least I didn't think so untill I saw econ grade, but it's not like I wasn't expecting it. I knew it was coming.

So I guess it was the other day I guess. Not sure why I left it out. But I am trying to remember. The day before talking to Arb so it was a Tuesday. Ye, I remember now. The whole laundry feasko. Eh was so tired and pretty much took a off day. But that day was shadowed by poor performance in Estate. But now that I have more or less accepted it. It's time reflect. I really can't blame anyone but it was wierd had the guts to lay on my lap? WTF... Since when can help yourself to something like that? How wierd. But then again they all seem to be that way. It wasn't a late night. But not sure why I wasn't feeling the grove at all that day. I am sure I do recall a cupon about a free pizza. But made it sound like it was paid for. But I really was in no mood to eat. Rediculous why someone would not eat except for me when I am not feeling well. It's funny how quickly time passes. It's already almost 7pm and I still feel like I have nothing done. Well really I did get pretty much most of my paper done, but I guess I owe that part back in Atwood this morning. But it was funny how plowed through the text for frequency answer. It was either b. or d. And the answer was d. so I win =P

There's a meeting in a few, and I wonder how it will turn out? I know all I can do is my part. But I wonder overall how it will be. Will I end up there for some hours and drag it on? But we do only have the room for an hour. So lets get cleaned up and get it taken care of.

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