Monday, December 15, 2008

Still Raining

Aw crapies. I guess I will know soon enough. I guess I should have studies more but I'm not sure if it would make much more of a difference. The heart stoped for a second hen Zhang asked for an electronic copy of the paper. I'm not sure if I should or not. I'll wait untill the grade is out, then I will decide then or inccidently I will forget. Kind of hungie too. But so much to do now. At this point. So scared of Econ right now and Insur. First get:

  • Estate homework done.
  • Then is churn out a paper for mgmt

I know there's not much I can do for insur now, it's utterly hopeless. But I can still try for Estate and the rest. This like before can not stop me from trying. I know the feeling of hopelessness can be overwhelming. Speaking of overwhelming, bumed into ike today. Actually spoke a few words. Nothing too exciting. Though the hair is getting a little too mop like and becoming a .. well you know ^^ Not so attractive. But meh.

After looking at this and capturing this moment, somehow I feel much better. So instead of churning out mgmt paper, I churned out some cards. I guess it's better to get them all out soon than later when you may not have a chance to. So econ was more or less to be expected. But it really was a fluke for someone that had no idea what she was doing. Crazy eh? It was a fun run, but I still have little to no understanding of what was going on. And look what happens when I just try to look for a silly space image and a whole section gets deleted. Sad sad. I was going to talk about this dream, but I have talked about it 3 times already. Well at least I found out the game is called Stardust. And there goes roomy with her instant noodles ^^ emm smells nummies. nom nom. So this dream was like a ship and an plant attached to it and it was like an astroy scene there was shooting down mother ships or something. But in this dream, I don't seem to be very effective and at the same time had to keep an eye on this little plant that was attached to me by some light beam. After that it switched to a scene that was all too familar. The same one with arse in it but this time with eh in it. Same situation where could not get attention because was looking away on computer screen. Maybe it's a sigh of some baggage I have and trying to achieve something I can not have. I have been better at it. The desire none but to give everything. To be poor in a good way. Or at least the way I want to be.

Side of itchy hair. I thought I was going insain but I remember now that I didn't wash the hair for a day. Who knew just one day would much such a difference. Hair overall looks just fine. But I can feel it being so itchy. Maybe I am really that dirty or something. Besides washing hair. I still have:

  • mgmt paper to chun out
  • estudiar estate
  • estudiar mketing

Think that's pretty much for offocial business. And for off the record business:

  • more craps to print out but need to add printing cash
  • give arse his junks
  • send cards
  • clean up room

I know I was disapointed last nite. But it's to be expected. But this too will pass.

You may feel sad or lonely today, but it will pass. This aspect will test your inner strength.

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