Monday, December 29, 2008

I Don't Mind

The application. Is it really fate without destiny or just a game? Either way, I really can not ask for more. I really can not. I do not dare to. But when reality hits. It really hits you hard. It's just better to let things go. And not to hold on to anything. But in the end I do care and want the best for them. Really do. For them to find their own way and be on their own. So unconditional. Either way, it's best to look out for yourself first. To focus on yourself. I do understand they are all just looking out for me. But I have to protect myself. At least it help me decide something. I just needed a sign for the direction I should take. It's best to know sooner rather than later. But like ir saids, no sence in worrying. You can't possibly know what will happen. Waste time in worrying about things you can't control. Investagate and find other ways to deal with life. Challenge it. See things in a deeper more meaningful way of life. No need to worry, you have enough. Beyong your imagination, that's why you can't beleive it.

No matter how you cut it, the result will be the same. The end will be the same. Then do I try to protect myself? But it could be freak chance or a sign that it happen to be HKUST as well. More like a sign I should listen to. You have choices, you can be why did I fall in love with you or I'm so sorry but I love you or I got you under my skin. So who you want to be? Nothing lasts forever anyways and thing have a way of never going the way you expect it to or planned. Better just to leave things alone. This too will pass. For now just have to work on keeping them chompers clean.

And what the heck is with the brother's fit? If I didn't know better I would call it male pms. But it's not like I didn't learn my lesson the first time. But it can't be helped that they are greedy.

The door to my heart is open to you

Just a side note, got a message from arse saying been reading old letters. Wierd eh?

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