Sunday, December 21, 2008


It's a disease, it really is. An illness.. sickness.. When will I get better? I do hope soon. By far todays ep of Family Guy is my fav. I feel as though I been neglecting some things I need to take care of. So I have like a bagillion text books to rid of. I'll figure it out. Try to take care of the ones I have here already. For now lets take care of the cards part. Not to worry too much. Lets just work on getting yourself better before anything else. Lets clean out all the clutter. Guests are going to be showing up. I know I am not looking forward to it. But we shall see. Think positive. So I am trying this amazon selling stuff. It can't hurt to try anyways. Else I really do need to be on top of things and get rid of books once I get them. I wonder what other junks I can sell too. Or I can just let it go. Having it here won't do any good. It's like sitting on money I can not use.

Why pain yourself. Why put yourself through this when you know very well no one else will know. No one else will care. When it will not matter to anyone. What good will it do. You only pitty yourself. Only try to get attention for your own selfishness. Your own ill will. Please, don't do this to yourself. Don't pain yourself. Especially for someone so fake. Leave yourself open to everyone. Is to be open yet, protected, to free yourself from the anchors of others.

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