Thursday, December 4, 2008

I got you Under my Skin

Japanese version is so intense. It maybe the same or maybe I have the sound jacked up XD But either way it's still very good. There be more later, for now gotta boggie.

So tired and so hungie, but can not reat. At least not yet. I can't not fail this. I really can not. I need to find a way to get through this. I guess I can try to email classmate. But I won't know unless I try.

But should I? All things are pointing I should try, but then again bump into Nathan and dude in lab working on it. So that jerk jaja. Kick me. Really is something. Anyways it's Ajan Temptation that's what it really is ^^

Don't really feel like writing anything today so we leave it be for today. Night self.

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