Monday, May 24, 2010

Yes Dear

I so want to make this. I need to get stuff for it for sure!

2.5c whiping cream, or use evapor milk, I should still have some parm.

I also want to make garlic bread sticks, but I have not yet figured out which recipe to use yet.

This morning as not been going well. I waste a comfirmation, and then I get news of staying in a shack. I mean it's okay, but the reviews were bad and it's far. Not like I am too excited about the whole trip. But we will see.

So is it bad for me to be slightly contentful to find misery in someone else? I really want some nunu and bread. But where to get that? I don't really need cheese on it, but I really want a bread stick. I am going to try to plan my meals.

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