Sunday, May 23, 2010

Last Day


I have been distressed of late. I have been doing some thinking. It's times like these I feel as thought if left, I may not care or feel a thing. That scares me a bit, but it maybe for the better.!/photo.php?pid=6057888&id=308269305504

So pretty, wish I could look like that. But it's at least something I can work on. After watching them makeup change videos, I am starting to beleive. I try not to screw up. But some how I manage to do so. Today wasn't so bad, as I got some time to think again. I may not be getting time like this again with Jer around. So enjoy it while you can. I am a bit sad about it. Sometimes it's okay when I try not to think about it. But there are times when starts to bitch about ones mom and it's just stupid. She's not a child and she has a cell phone. How lost can one get?

Tot just asked if I wanted something to drink, I rather have something to eat. Are you really not hungry? How strange. But I need to eat and want to eat, so I need to take care of things on my own. Odds are will be too busy to care for anything. So I don't hold it against. I was trying to get on ks95, but the streaming wasn't working. So I am stuck with 101.3. It's okay. But it doesn't matter what I have one when I know we be stuck with the Current again. But today passed by pretty quickly. I can find myself entertaining myself, but there's only so much I can look at from my usual stuff. I didn't really get anything done last night. Hopefull tonight I can get more done. The list still remains the same with the zon pen holder on top. I really can't be bothered by troubles, especially the ones that are not mine. Also need to refil bag goodies and make breakfast wraps for tomorrow. Hopefully it will be tasty.

-Wrap zon stuff
-Breakfast wrap
-Clean phish

If I can get 2 out of 3 done, I be golden.

Hot dam, it's so cold...

The funny thing about working here is that for the past 3 days I have had an overdose of computer time. It is really way too much to the point where once again the hand is hurting. I am not so much on the tired end. More like the cold end now.

Them telemarketers are sure sneaky. They don't ask you if you would like their services, they have a way of wording things and implying that you want them.

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