Friday, May 14, 2010


~You can't make up your mind mind mind mind mind,
Please don't waste my time time time time time ~

So fitting today. Yay Bieber. Who knew. But I have found something to occupy the time. got let out of work early today. The sun also finally came out today. It was nice. I figure it was a good day. But all too soon once again it goes down hill. Maybe this is a pattern of behavior. But lets not think so much and dwell on bitter resentment. I am hesitance to give details on the day. It did take me about a hour to get over it more or less. So maybe it's better not to relive it. So for now I want to clear out some things. Tomorrow I am determined to drop off the stuff at goodwill regardless. I will get this done. I will clear out all the clutter in my life. Not to keep things for anyone's sake. I will drop it all.

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