Sunday, May 23, 2010


Little scared of the one size thing so got to get measurements.

It's a very fine line. I don't want to seem uncaring, but maybe it's best not to bring up the subject. Maybe just touch on it and then let it go. Just ask to be polite, else the convosation never goes to any place nice. It's better that way.

I don't think reading the celeb gossip is much help as I get all agitated and get in the cheating bastard mindset. I just need to stop longing for anything.

~Deja Vu~
Another one of thoes moments. I had like a vision or dream or something about his brother's graduation. Sure as handsome as always, but I recall stalking him around and this was before I got the email saying that this was going to be at the Metrodome. Or I could have just insainly quickly imagined it. But I was stalking him and saw him with a girlfriend. How disapointed. But oh well, eye candy is eye candy either way. But I am unsure that I want to go at this point. Like a part of me does, but at the same time I got a feeling I am just going to be bored and waste more time that I don't really have. I want more time on my own to organize my stuff. We shall see how this evening and tomorrow morning goes and decide then.

So this maybe something more long term as in I get my own time to dinker around when I thought I be forced into an early retirement.

Daily Planetary Overview
The Moon in practical Virgo trines both Pluto and Mercury today, making this a great time to work hard and get all manner of things done. You might be able to finish tasks that have been holding you up for some time now, feeling a sense of competence and completion.

Basically it saids I will get things done that have been bugging me all week. Oh yays, I hope so.

Your Horoscope - Today, May. 21, 2010

You may not be sailing off into the sunset today, mel, but at least you can start planning for it. Your emotions are taking on a somewhat reserved approach today and you might feel as if someone has suddenly put a damper on your fun. Take this as a sign to reorganize and plan. Sometimes it is important to restrict ourselves in order to learn the lessons of discipline and patience.

Fun ruiner my show up, but don't let it upset you. It's just a time to reorganize and be understanding.

Overall for the Scope, it saids to have a positive outlook, don't hessatate, just do it. Speak your mind. And that's pretty much what I got from it.

4:01 In other words, we got nothing else to talk about. Unless I want to change to subject.

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