Sunday, May 23, 2010

Tired, Hungry, Angery


Not a good combination. But I get to eat soon and I am sure I will feel better soon. I need to prepare better. More snakies or mini meals. Maybe like a salad or carrot sticks and crackers. I shall plan on that. The only good thing about the AC behind me is that it hides me typing. So there's a closing this evening. Not sure how long it will last. I am sure they don't want to be there all that long either. Hour maybe? I also have coupons to print out too. It has been awhile since I have been to Taco Bell anyways. It maybe a good time to stop by. I was going to try to get out of it and say Jer already asked, but if I did it, it would at least look like I am doing something. They sure like to talk and dinker around.

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