Tuesday, May 18, 2010


The last one was getting long and had some important things in it, but was too much rambling. So now that I got that out, can I get more to the point? We shall see. I still got a strange feeling that this place just might not pan out. Like I said before, deathly quite. Seem a little lost without Jer around.

Anyways, should work on things I need to get done. So many things to do, but none of them are all that important.

-clean phish
-org makeup to give away
-put away cloths
-wrap zon stuff
-cheesey biscut

I think doing thoes is fairly reasonable for the evening. I swear they get more calls than we do. It's not a good sign. I fear for the worse. Seems to spend a lot of time wasting time. It maybe better if I just look out for myself and not care about others. Just be straight forward and to the point. You will make do with whatever situation you are given. Not like it's my money anyways. I just need to watch out for myself. It's Tue anyways, it wouldn't hurt to peep over at Cub. I wouldn't be so stingy if I had some cash flow.. Anyways, that's the plan for today. Leaving soon so not really a point in eating.

Muscle wants to add water. How interesting. Going to be pricey. Wonder who is paying for it? They sure are investing lots of money. But the place is so small.. We shall see. Not like it's my money, but I do like fish and water. They have lots of ideas, but we shall see if any of it goes anywhere.

Everything is so melty, I need to find a snack that is not so melty. Got to stay away from chocolate. I guess kind of busy, been on the phone since been back from the extra long walk. Not sure what to make of it. I need some cream cheese so I can make a wrap. Aw crapies, I got mis pants dirty. Well I guess more chances to go through more pants.

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