Monday, May 3, 2010


Or at least it sure seem like it.

full of interesting news and maybe even some disconcerting gossip. Don't believe everything you hear, however. Check out the facts first. I really do hope it is true because I do not like what I am hearing. I try not to take it at face value until I get all the faces straight and not jumping into conclusions. For now, lets pray for the best.

So with the whole incident, I am surprised I am not upset more. I think a part of me find it what you call it, sinister side finds it the lather. Like knocking one down a few notches for being too cocky. It made me think of the roles everyone has played. But a part of me I think has disassociated myself for the situation, (surprise I spelled it properly or spell check is not working, but it seems to be) to an uncaring not my business, but more of a investigative lets get the facts straight. Can't say I think how one handed the situation and goes out blurting out things without anything to back it up and making a scene. And then lets blame everyone else. People seems to like think they are the smartest one of all and everyone else around them is stupid.

This weekend really hasn't gone at all planned at all. A run in with the bad luck really. I checked to scope for tomorrow and it seems cautiously optimistic. It also talked about a career change, so we shall see in the morning, I hope it goes well. But this weekend really has been a mess. Things really don't go according to plan no matter how well you plan it, nothing could have anticipated this one. At least not this big whopper of a mess.

Today was the last day of work I know a part of me will miss and the kiddies this week. And so to start something new. Hopefully something for the better. I am worried, but optimistic. Very anxious about not fitting in as well. Stepping on toes and tails. I am not sure if I will get much sleep today, but try to.

~The Situation~
It has pretty much eaten away at this weekend. But I know there's nothing I can do much but to gather information. Not knowing can be very disconcerting. I am bummed about all of this. It is the the best way the describe the situation. Nothing really worked out this week. The actions in response so far I hope did not aggravate the situation. I try not to react with emotion and to think wholly. I think listening to them talks really helped. Too bad others don't react the same way. Everyone is in pain after all, why inflict more pain on others. Does it make you feel better to make the situation better? Because of that, some of it I feel is deserved, who said to be so stuck up and being all better than everyone else. I recall what was said to me the other day about having me beat... oh really... maybe someone else begs to differ... So until some clear face finding, we won't make any judgments and lets them dwell for a bit longer before we shed some light on this issue.

For the following day..

: Mercury trines Pluto today, bringing a harmonious tone to communication and the exchange of information. If there's something you want to say, this is a good time to speak your truth. If you have school or other written assignments to finish, this is a great day to complete them.

Your Horoscope
- Tomorrow, May. 3, 2010 A friend or colleague could come to you with all kinds of intriguing ideas for increasing your income, making a career change, and improving your way of living. It may all seem very exciting, Melly, but make sure you check out all the facts before plunging in. You are extremely intuitive today, which should prove helpful. If you listen to your gut feeling, you should be fine.

I really do hope so, I pray to the Lord for things to so smoothly. I know I haven't done so much of late. Part in due of lazieness and other lacking in faith in some days. But I do pray for things to go according to plan and I do my part to the best of ability to take care of the ones around me. Please watch over me and protect me.

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