Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Too Much Too Soon?

Not sure what to say about yesterday. Guess all was normal and I was even feeling productive. And then it all happened. I guess I could have anticpated it, or not. I have sometimes wondered what it would be like. Guess it wasn't as painful as I would have expected it to be. But am still hurting. There's a first time for everything. But seriously everything was pretty much done except for one thing. So how far are you willing to go? How far are you willing to push it? Oh god, are you messing with me? Or testing me? Or playing with me? Or maybe only am just being played. How knows, for now, as long as you have fun and keep your head on straight, all is well. At elast for now is it.

For now I got some accounting to do, econ, and work on a statement and dinker with stocks even. Oh what to do.

  • Tinker with accounting
  • Dinker with econ
  • Churn out a statement
  • Pick at stocks

Have community council elections tonight, we shall see how that goes. So I will see how much I can get done. After I clean myself up of course. Lets see how productive I can be. I still got a good 3 hours minus the dinkering around time. Let gogogo. Later love.

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