Monday, January 26, 2009

One More Time

I guess I been neglecting this. But the need to get back to old habbits. I did look up MPR and it was interesting and it makes good background sounds.

Aknowledge, Forgive, Learn

So today I know I should not have but I decided not to attend. It won't happen again, but I think I needed time to gather myself. Accounting wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. But I know it needs more work. I forgot my mp3 player at home. Or at least I hope that's where it is. But I wasn't paniced that I didn't have it. Okay so I did put in some time to fill it and yet I forget it. I know I have much to write and to reply to. But one at a time and it won't seem so much like a chore. I am trying to recall the times been over. But it all seems to be a blur. I need to keep on top of things, really need to be. Did I also forget to make a note about fishing as well? I just checked and I did make a note of it.

Forgive yourself

1/22 TH: I can't even remember the nights at this point. Had some line testing, but no crossing. It's funny would bring such a thing. Not even sure where it came from. Knew I could have gotten one, but I didn't want to and so I didn't even try to get one. And then one just appears. Even went as far as mantioning as wanting to go through with it? Does one not consider the consenenses or the potential consequences? And what's even worse was it was left in the morning... At least the sheets were all folded nicely. Points there. But for the proceeding day, it did hurt. But the pain passed.

Pigeon poped in last night for the dung book. Disguessed the reasons for the book for weffy. The drama. I was surprised he didn't jump at the chance to move out and to move in over the snake? Or is there something else? Also that she didn't want to move in either. But from what I have heard, it's not the most plesent dwelling. So I am not sure how to read him quite yet. But it's very inconsiderate for him to say he doens't like Maple Grove or the people. Quite surprising especially for someone like him to be so carefully planned. We shall see what his motives are.

Today it's back to dhrma talks. The more we worry about the future, the more we neglect the future. It's totally uncertain.

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