Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Nausaiting Details

Causing disgust, loathing, or revulsion. Just looking at finals week alone is enough to freak me out. And so here we are. But either way I will find a way to get through it. Don't make things any harder on yourself than it needs to be. I don't know what to make of things. So shall we go over the day new or good news first? Before that, lets go over some old news. After some evaluation over last night's sleepover. It was really nothing. At least I didn't really feel anything or much of any. It was just like going through the motions. But for some reason I can't help but feel slightly used. I need to make sure I close up that part and leave no oppertunity for such things. No more paying for juice. No matter how little, it all adds up. But I shall be fair. No matter. Can't do anything about such things. Really do think God is messing with me or something. Or trying to temp me. It's still to akward especially on the phone with the bro and I heard gf and I was uncomfortable with that idea.

The Uglie: I am still waiting for the Saudi and no contact from her. Shinae left a message saying it's difficult for someone there especially a girl to go abroad to study. So my theory she has to know people or comes from money. But of all the places, why here? Today also got the red plauge. But at least did some damage controll. But all to discover I was running low on dams. *sigh* Also caught myself forgetting to turn on the graduation forms.. =.= Like I didn't get enough sleep. Sadly Sercurity wasn't really what I had expected and I have to pay an extra $25 to play some stock game. The prof was a little but condicending and I forgot to get milk again. I wasn't feeling very well after eating or trying to eat the pizza. I am still dreading the idea that I may not get the acc text on time. What to do. I am feeling all scattered brain now I know. And I ended up paying an extra 50cents for a silly card to sell a text. I also of late have been troubled by Ian and slightly by arse, but more Ian for now. Still can not forget the fact that I am out of minutes and room phone still does not work. Oh dear dear. And I am still waiting got an eboard meeting. Things are never as bad as they seem. Like the real easte club thing, I wish there were more people in it. But it may not be so bad with mike there if he really does particpate. Be positive.

The Prettie: I did find a penny today heads up in the snow. At least I got some free ranch and my craps printed out. I did manage to snag some napkins and try some new orange flavor drink. The munch money did finally get into my account. I got all my papers organized, or at least I think I do. Today has been rough. I did find like this chinese idol boy singer on youtube and a chinese version of MIROTIC. It was interesting... quick break and meeting time and continute later and back to room. hope to make a good impression on the roomy. Goodluck.

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