Monday, January 12, 2009

Dilusion and Doom

Was it all a dream? It just all seemed to happen so fast. Yesterday just got back to school. I wasn't too excited about it. Earlier things were not going so well and even the evening before there were signs. The night before I had the faded black and white beaded bracelet snap off and it was like a movie where the beads would spill all over and then the bad feeling came over me. The next morning mum and I were running a little late, but we got it all done. For some reason I was a little disapointed with the whole trip. Not sure what was missing. Maybe I was looking for something new, but didn't find it.

**interruption** by call from Lu

So I got back to my room and it seems to familar and yet astranged. It's different without Shin around. In a way I do miss her. This semester shall be interesting. On getting here, everything was unpluged which was not a big deal but the pet pever was the room fone was not working and I am running out of minutes. Else I did get some more nice hanger from Shin and a comforter that smells like kimchi. And the fridger also smells like kimchi and I didn't bring any paper towels. sad sad. And things after that took an interesting turn...

Called to return keys. Was thinking I drop it off and then leave me be to my own musings. Things didn't quite turn out that way. Next thing I know I was on my bed and the rest was history. But it was strange like how most things are like. It was exciting or anything like that. It was just comfortable. It had a very strange feeling of calming. Nothing like I would have expected it to be like at all. I don't know what to say, I am just speechless over what happened. I really expect it nor did I expect me to react that way or feel that way either. I am surprised that I am not freaking out or anything really. Surprisingly taking this rather well like almost it was nothing.

So back to today. Lu called and freaked outed about the grading in her English class. But it was just standard grading. Then bumped into Sim and it's good to know Matty will be commuting as well. But complications arrises with MLK Day. So we shall see. And then just when I crawl back to my room, and to my surprise just missed arses call by mere minutes. Maybe it's better that way, I am running low on minutes either way. And today the worse possible text of all. They are jacking up the rate for texting to 15centes a minute. OMG how riduculious! It is just outragious and highway robbery. Good thing I don't text much now days. And just when I didn't think things could possible get any worse, I find out I have a roomy and and worst of all from Saudi Ariba. Goodness, maybe it won't be so bad, but who knows. It could be a good thing. Get me out and stuff and I don't really like being here much anyways. So enjoy the mement while I can. Maybe it's really a sign to go home. We shall see. Tormorrow we will know. And got an evil email about an eboard meeting, I know I would be getting that eventually. Just a matter of time, but I didn't expect it so soon. Not looking forward to tomorrow. It's going to be a long week.

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