Friday, January 9, 2009


Life is really different in a big city. Starting to get the onset of fear. It just came on suddenly. I could be because I am cold too so that can't really be helping. But I am also tired as well. Yesterday I got some small tasks done such as try to get the stain out of the carpet but it seems like I had no effect on it. Then I sewed back on a button. The weekend is right around the corner and I should clean out the fishies too soon. I shall work on the carpet again today. Pigeon showed up with more Ghost Hunters. I just realized after talking to him how so many people do not beleive in such things. But with so many incidents, it has to be something. Or how can so many be so worng? Yesterday gave em a call but didn't pick up. But it also reminded me off the other times I have called and no answer. Should I even be asking why? I shall try one more time before I leave, then I feel I have done what I can if eh has a problem with it. I will try. Today I should be going to Jermey's thing. Can't say I am that excited to go nor willing. But I know it's something I should attend. It's usually like is anyways. The same feeling of reluctantness. But at the end it's not as bad as I would expect and turns out pretty well. Today I did have a scare from aid in the mail. Freaked me out, but all at the same time it didn't really matter because everything was already done. So let me try to clean things up on this end and then it's off to Minnespolis. I shall let you know how it went. Hopefully it won't go on for too long, but as always, things have a way of not going according to plan.

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