Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Your Love is a Lie?

I can feel the pain he's in. Today I learned something that I guess I could have expected. And yet I still don't know how I should react. I know I am stupid, but not that stupid. I don't know how to approach this. But I don't want to stress anyone out. Nor do I want to deal with this right now. I need some time to think.. Whatever the answer, it doesn't change who is. I just may not be attracted in that way anymore. But still the same person I adore. I admire so many qualities in. Has done so much for me and helped me out. Has been very good to me. Really, truely has been. I really do care. I want nothing more than happiness and well being for all I care about. Especially... I guess I feel decived or maybe lied to. But these are all feelings before anything is talked about. I know I am preparing for the worse. Although it should have been something I knew. Something I felt. I knew it was possible. Oh how it tugs on my heart strings.

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