Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Love and Kindness

Imagin how difficult it is for someone to live with it. The door to your heart to remain open. The kindness and acceptance. I read something ex wrote and I don't want to be that bitch. It must be difficult even without me making things more difficult. Can and have acceptance? It sure be easier if it's coming from both sides and be more willing to open up. Praise gets you everywhere. Still a geed friend and person no matter what. Express your love and acceptance of them enough.

I love you daddy, you are such a good daddy. Can I have some more pokemon? ^^

I am feeling a mix of emotions, I don't know if i am worse off today than I was yesterday. I don't know if I want to scream or cry. I think if I just got an honest answer, it be enough. Maybe the answer will come to me in due time. I do really want to get this over with, but I need to handle this with care. With love and compasion.

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