Friday, March 27, 2009


So pretty. That's the first isn't it? Of late been lazy. I know it. But something has been bothering me. A little of the past and the present. Last night dome nite was fun. More like fun observing. I have a lot to catch up in every aspect. So I shall start with whatever comes to my mind first. First come first serve

On Monday 2/23 I want to think that I hope I don't regret doing what I did. I know the chances are low, but I need to be prepared to deal with the consequences. I pray to dear Lord to spare me. I seem to have made poor choices of late. I do not know for what reason. I maybe starting to drift off the path. The feeling was amazing. I just hope I don't regret it.

Dome night was fun yesterday 3/26, Troy riping his pants was hirlarious lol And it just got bigger. Beyond that, shoe was using cliets and overall I enjoyed it more than I expected. Hanging out with Lexi and Troy was fun. I actually will miss them. I am also still full of regret of not doing as well as I could hope. Oh, almost forgot to call mum about whats his face. Eep Before that went to Pakastain Nite and the food was so spicy. But some was interesting like the potato and flat bread, the fried milk ball. What was hilarious was the kid that went on stage to proceed to dance innopropatly.

After all was done and said. I know he cares and means well. I went through all this in my head. There is no reason I can reason in my head that I can find this acceptable. I imagin worse case senario and like the oprah show, after 6 kids later the truth finally comes out. But the other day I watched another ep and it's funny how the sword cuts both ways. I have wondered if I should ask about it or not? If I did how shall I handle it? After watching part of The Secret, I wonder if I attracted this? Or do I take it on faith? It's something that's diffcult for me to wrap my brain around. But like what I learned this week, doing it is easy, it's thinking about it that makes you very tired.

So last night was more of less a restless night. I even slept with my hair still wet. Was just going to lay down and next thing I know I fell asleep. Is it better to wait or to just it over with?

Taro: Your heart bleeds today, dear melly, and you’re finding it difficult to smile. The combination of the Sun and Death is asking you to draw a line under a painful situation that’s been dragging on for too long – a relationship that’s ended badly, a friend that’s gone away… whatever it is, you’ll have to get over it and believe in a happier future if you want to get that smile back on your face.

Think it might have been bleeding since last night. Just when things are feeling well, I find something that really throws me. Nothing but love and acceptance. But the hiding does bother me, but I understand. But the mission is not to get the answers, but to convey love and acceptance.

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