Wednesday, March 18, 2009

On set of Fear

And it's the time of month again and there grows the fear. The oranges were really bad. I mean they could be worse, but they were still bad. I still feel I am getting nothing done and I can't get anything done. I wonder what happens when I am taking the pills and am in the red? But at least from what I have learned is to wait it out a bit. I know you can't wait too long, but you can't rush into anything either. Everything needs to be timed out just right. Just waiting for the right time. Everything needs to be done in a timely manner. I let this rest for now. It's hard to be turned down. I worry a lot. Even after taking some puercausion. I still worry. I need to be more consistant and more timly. I think with that I can feel better. I give this a rest for now and pick it up soon...

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