Thursday, March 19, 2009


It seems so much like spring today and for most of this week. I have been really trying to get little things done to feel productive. Finally have some red down there, but it's not as much as I would expect it to be. Hopefully it be more and I would be content with it. But I hear so often people say oh they thought they had it, but really didn't. It could be just minor leakage. But hopefully it be enough where it can't be confused with mnor leakage. Beside that. I know I been putting off econ for the longest time. It requires so much attention and focus out of me. But I really have to try. For now I shall try to cut down on the list and work on making myself better and more focus. I didn't really listen to music for 2 days at least and was doing okay I guess. I can always be better. But I am working on it. I wonder about my typing and how well can I type without actually looking at the key board. I really don't think I can do it very well. I have a very general and broad idea of where things are. But I am not connsistant. It's something I think I need to work on. But the more I think about it, the more mistakes I make without knowing it. But after all the typing I do. I still can not do it well enough. I can look at the keys and still screw it up. Don't think about things to much and just do it. It all seems all so familar. I mean almost everything I have gone through, it all seems so familar like I already know the outcome already. Like I am just going through the motions all over again.

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