Monday, March 9, 2009

stingieness, So gorgious

Suspecion surrounds the air. I guess I make up these stories in my head to make myself beleive things that are not really there or to not have to face the cold hard truth. I wonder and ask the Lord why I have to go through this. Why I have to mett such a fool. Why I go through the pain I do. Or do I put myself through such things? The attachment and need for control I know is starting to take over. The need to know what I can not know, what I don't need to know. Because whatever the answer is, it wouldn't matter. It's only to satisfy your own instability and self dout. Whatever answer even if the one you want to hear, you will dout and the worng answer will only prove you right, what you have suspected all along.

Never want to see you cry cry and I never want to tell a lie lie lie

His voice is really so gorgious. If I didn't know better, would have thought it be the a lady. It seems like my notes has more choices in fonts and more reflect myself. I really can not beleive so easily. Always keep yourself guarded. Only appear to beleive, but know in your heart, you know the truth. I can try to love with care and compasion. But I treat everyone like that. To be the player and never be palyed. To never be the victim

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