Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Just a Few Cactus

It's actually kind of chillie in here. Maybe some hot choco would do or even some warm tea. But that's not what's bothering me now. I don't feel like doing anything because I fear I will not be able to do it well enough. Oh well, can't hurt to try at this point. And dang it that everything got wet. Things are just not going well this week at all. First there was a flood in my backpack, then a missing folder and notebook for corp, then accting went down the crapper. It really has been a crappy week. And now online radio not even working and I'm feeling a bit chillie as well. So lets see what I have to do first.
  • Lets first pound out Instit essay
  • Then pound out essays for both jobs
  • Next the live in essay
  • Following the ... goodness so many essays...

Well lets work on that first and can always make another list. I am not sure what is behind me but it sure smells like a pig gross. Yuck! I know what I found still bothers me, but in due time... But it freaks me out to find that kind of stuff especially when everyone suspected it in the first place. It's still freaky and still gives me chills. I'll work on crunchy messages when I'm done with the stuff that needs to be done first. I am sad and scared, but where is it coming from? Good question.

Oh thank god the smellie pig left. So icky. Demand nothing, ask no questions, complete free and letting go. Unmonkish hour. Oh mygoodness I am really getting tired. I don't know, I am just drawing a blank right now. I just have a few more sentances and I'm drawing a blank. So tired. The video is really high quality. Selfless love.

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