Friday, August 21, 2009

Just Stop

Love: The Lovers
Touchstone: The Tower
Career: The Star

-->In your love life, try to leave the hatchet buried today, dear melly! Bear in mind that the combined influence of the Tower and the Lovers are bound to put you in a tense emotional frame of mind, with an explosive mix of doubts and aggression… You may have self-doubts, but keep in mind that this is no reason to also doubt your significant other. Try to avoid the conflicts that can so easily arise from all these misunderstandings. In these rather difficult circumstances, the possibility of a separation or a breakup – even if it does not last for long – cannot be totally excluded... Everything’s at cross purposes today at work, as the energies conspire to disrupt your self-assurance. The joint influence of the Star and the Tower denote ill-contained aggression. If you don’t manage to control your emotional state, others will see you as volatile and unpredictable and as someone who cannot be trusted to solve problems in a reasonable manner. Take that as a warning ...

Oh...My...Goodness. For some reason, in a time of dispair and a need for guidance. It's reflected there so easily, so simplie. You just can't make this stuff up. Even I want to say no, but it's all written there. It's all layed out for you. There's no denying it. It's even freaky how both days it's like this and both days it's almost the same. Yesterday was more careere based and today more emotional. I do hope tomorrow will shed new light and be at peace. I hope I can find peace. So much to do. So much catching up to do. I realize that I am too focused on the negative right now and forget the positive. But it seems so heavly out weighted right now. Too much on one thing. I need to get my mind off this for now. I may want this to run its course. But for now it's just too much to take. Such bad combination. But all things will pass.

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