Thursday, August 27, 2009


Why so many people want to beef with me. I am not sure why the words keep on moving. I can only assume it's because I keep touching the touch pad. That's the only explination. I can only try to keep my fingers up. I know there's plenty of catching up to do but lets do what's pending at the moment.

Just got new laptop today. It's nice, but it's going to take some getting use to. I am not thrilled about spending so much on it. But I rather just get it over with. Of the past 2 two days, I have been troubled. More today than yesterday. But then again it has more been like the whole week has been like this. I am tempted to cover up the touch pad.
* * * ring ring * * *
I know it's for the better. It may not feel good, but some decesions are not easy. the best decesions are not always easy. Chances are, there won't be any sleep if it went on any longer. I think it will take some time to keep the fingers in place and get use to the typing. Things are reavativly in the same places. But I know my thumb has a tendacy to move around. As I go through things to toss from the computer, I catch myself thinking maybe would need this and save it. But I am sure be fine on their own. I need to watch out for myself. I see I have casted
this shadow of dout. I am sure I can let whatever left go and clear things out to keep it more simple, less things to move in the future.

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