Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Amiss SwinFlu

Lets see if working on this here will make any difference. See if I have the same formating issues. I don't even want to bother now. I couldn't even paste. I put myself through my own hell. I need to clean some things out.

Love: The Moon
Touchstone: The Hermit
Career: The Devil

-->You're going through a rather solitary phase today, dear melly, withdrawing into yourself and maybe feeling a bit depressed. People aren't being sympathetic to your feelings or showing you any understanding. The alliance of the Hermit and the Moon indicates a deep emotional distress born of frustration and unhappiness. Don’t let the blues get you down, they will pass. Try looking forward into the future, don't dwell on the past. In your work, it looks like you don't know how to apply your knowledge and experience. The association of the Devil and the Hermit shows that your plans are being hampered by a lack of flexibility towards your colleagues and not enough strategic thinking. By trying to go too fast and refusing to delegate, you're shutting the door on opportunities for development. Back to the drawing-board!

Think I rather work with this. But lets see where this goes. I think right now what's bothering me now is the pesky finger. But I need to eat first and need to organize my own meal to eat it all before you know what freaks out. There's nothing really to communicate. I just want to know out of mere curosity. Else, there's nothing really. I like to waste time on things that will not make a difference. There's not much time left. So lets just get it all over with. Is it really time to sober up? But this scope here is kind of scary. Right now I don't care for it. It could be because I am not feeling well and could care less at this point. It kind of more or less reflected todays group meeting. Although I did get the section I wanted. I don't feel like doing some things, but it's things I need to get done eventually. Needs to be done eventually anyways, so why just do it now and get it over with. Will I ever want to do it? Will I ever be in the mood to do it? I don't think so. But once it's all done. I know it was the right thing to do.

One thing I have noticed is nothing more is that I am hungie in the morning, but after awhile if I don't think about it and keep myself occupied with something else, I don't have the feeling anymore. Is that such a bad thing? But I do have issues with getting things started. Lets just do it. be back soon to check on things. Oh I did get one thing done off my list just now assuming it's taken care of. Else can always add it back later.

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