Monday, August 3, 2009

Eggs and Chickens

Daily Planetary Overview
Mercury is in trine to Pluto today, bringing really great concentration and the ability to analyze problems. Your powers of observation will be keen and you won't miss very much. An eye for detail will help proofreading and error checking.

Your Horoscope - Today, August 3, 2009
You may find yourself with a sore throat and mild cold symptoms today, melly. It may be such that it'll affect your ability to work. As a Sagittarian, chances are that you're an active person. Having to slow down to tend to your health may have you feeling frustrated. Consider going to the doctor's office right away rather than leaving it. This may make all the difference in how long you'll feel under the weather and be held up from the things you want to get done.

Scary eh? It's so uncanny. It's hard not to beleive it. The past week some interesting excitment. But maybe at this point a little too much to say.

~Growing Pains~
Last week had an interview at a insurance place. I thought it went fairly well, but I forget to write a thank you letter. It wasn't until later last week I picked up a career magazine and it gave me some things to think about like what I can do with my cover letter and what not. I need to rework some things since it really hasn't been working too well except for interns. But I should have been able to capture some clues. I shall make do with what I have already and reworks things once I am feeling better. How I want to feel better.

It's strange how the paragraphs are kind of messed up. No matter. So today dad and uncle bought a car. It's not bad. Though we were slightly disapointed that we didn't get a little sporty car. Dad brought me back some sore throat meds. I took only one, but hopefully it will be enough. It's kind of silly to see how dad gets so excited over something like this. It was sad to see him ever so slightly disapointed that the program might be over. But that was what all the fuss was all about over digging out the lean certif.

Of late this week been feeling sore. Oh dear I need to take pills after looking at the time. Quick break and be right back. I need to check this one out too. So many to look at, but in a way I rather do it this way and cover more groud at one time. Think there's more of a chance this way? Or am I just deceiving myself.

But either way I need to try and there's even the northstrom thing as well. It can't hurt to try.

~Love Drunk~
The Lines are so messed up. Good thing I know some html to deal with it. There are some things that are disturbing me of late. Not sure if it's the swine flu or what. Or just fear. Maybe it's a bit of both. Got a call from Pastor Gery and Lulu. Will check on them tomorrow. I got other things to bother with first. But what to deal with first. I need to dig out some cards. I shall do that now and quick plow out a letter. I don't know why it's so hard just to find some simple cards. A few paper cuts later I finally find them.

~Hung Over~
Even though maybe on, nothing to say if anything at all. I think I needed to ask something, but it seems not to be important. I won't be and can't be bothered with it.

"All the bullshielt you put me through, I use to be love drunk, now I am hung over, Love you forever, forever is over. "
I spend too much time in worry. When things are better when you just do it and not worry about the consenquences much. Look at what is right in front of you. Not ahead or behind, but before you. I think I need to do some reading. But I know that not feeling well this weekend has really been a damper on my game. Hopefully tomorrow be a better day.

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