Monday, February 2, 2009

My Bloody Valentine

Okay given that it wasn't valentine but I guess like many things of late I have put it off for too long. But you get my drift. It wasn't like how I could imagin it. But how many things have gone like I invisioned it? But it was more or less like I expected it as well. It was nice, yet numbing, yet uncomfortable, still daunting, twinging, and amazing. I don't know what to say. For some reason it didn't seem as a big deal. Just last night even I don't know if went nuts or something. So many calls... I did say I missed you, and for once was actually beleived. It's a funny feeling. But not to get distracted. I ask the Lord, anyone what's the point of this? Is this all a test? I don't know. Just today got a all from arse and he was all in distressed and over the past 2 days been calling like mad. Only to hear him blah blah blah for an hour. Ridiculious. And I forget my string cheese, but I think it can sit for a bit. Oh I can feel the head twinging.

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