Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My Muse

It seems like more or less a weekly enounter now. I'm still not sure what to thing. The presure, push push, always pushing. I need to get back to my old self. To old habbits. I know the score was so disapointing. I haven't seen scores so low in a long time. There was a flicker, like a flash of old feelings. When things are not as difficult as they seem. I am making them more difficult than they are. It's not that it's easy, but I make things difficult. I know I haven't been around much. I do miss this, but I seem more tired now days. And another slip up again the other day so end up taking pills again. I should get into a better habbit. Maybe back to the place where I belong. I need to get things done so I don't have to bring textbooks home. You know as well as God knows that you don't do squat or dittly squat about homework or much of anything once you are home. So you need to churn out things and be more productive as you can. With only your consideration. There is no need to bother with anyone else but yourself. Remember to value yourself. Others can look out for themselves. They don't need to be taken care of. Please take care of yourself. Good evening self.

On a side note, not sure why keeps bringing me things I don't need. I know means well. Oh what to do. All I can do is be more productive. I am not sure why my eyeball hurts. Like I bruised my eyeball. I been looking at jobs and presure seems to be coming from all directions to get things done. I know a mear 3 is not enough, but I got a feeling I may not be able to maintain it at this rate. I worry, but worry does you no good, it's indecesion that's hindering you. So lets do something about it. So get some rest for now and we shall take care of some things tomorrow.

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