Monday, February 16, 2009


Who knew toast could look so good? Maybe I do need as toaster or I should just well I don't think the toaster is there no more. There use to be one. And so we were locked out of accouting. Thank the Lord and so I don't want to squander this time on anything that will not help me. I did try to drop by health services but they were closed for like every other building here it's closed due to president's day. Sad sad. As I try to find hope for today.

Scope: Daily Planetary Overview
With Venus sextile Jupiter today, you'll be kind and generous with everyone. You'll be in a good mood and have great hopes for the future. Even if you face a challenge, you will do it cheerfully and with grace.

Your Horoscope - Today, February 16, 2009
Climactic events are apt to pop up in your life, melly. It is time to condense and solidify your grand schemes and bright ideas in such a way that makes them more practical. Things may be spinning so fast that you aren't quite sure where to jump on. Worry about this later. For now, what you need to do is express your ideas
forcefully and succinctly. Doors will open wide.

Things seem hopeful, but one can never tell. But even if I can not prevent the inevetable, I should prepare for the worse. Taro just in general saids to be careful with what you say to the people around you and to be werry for misunderstandings. I am not looking for love or anything of humanly desires. I don't want to disapoint, but I need to do what I think is right. But toast sure does sound really right about now. Who knew pound cake would seem tasty after toasted. Hopefully this optimisim will last through the day. I think the sunlight is helping. Something about large windows. And now to the crapy news, I can't find my financial calc. There's no reason why I should not have it unless I left it in my room but either way should check. But why I take it out of I did?
I have thought about it to tell, but I know it will only stress out and if by some slim chance it was nothing then all the worry for nothing. But either way, if soon enough, it can be made easier. Who knew the odds were like this, then again I was never so lucky. Funny how this world world works. People who want one can't and people who don't do. Ironic isn't it?

And now I remember why I linger in the library, cuties keke ^^ Okay so not all of them are as cute =.=

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