Sunday, February 22, 2009

Systematic Risk

Sagacious, that word hit me like a ton of bricks. How long has it been since I have seen that word? Something different. Something different has happened. It's hard to explain what occured. But after last nights fallout, overall I have been feeling better. I really don't want to put on a mask and go through the motions. But sometimes it just seems like it's the best way to do things. Is to just put up a front. No one said you had to do this all day or this is what you have to do all the time. It's work smarter, not longer or harder. I do need to rethink some thing and rethink my reproach. In a way the result does not matter much to me. I really do not know why nor do I really care to know anymore. Somethings are not for you to know. I have more pressing things to deal with at the moment.

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