Thursday, February 12, 2009


I am starting to feel like my old self. I wonder if this it worth it? Greetings self, I know you been MIA for awhile. I have missed you. I sure do hope you are well. Just did some econ today and I guess the book is the key to the answers and some luck of course can't hurt as well.

Taro: It's not exactly a trouble-free day today in romantic matters, dear melly… The Moon and the Lovers are working in tandem, creating an atmosphere of discouragement and uncertainty... You are inclined to distrust the good intentions of the people close to you and to question their love. It goes without saying that such feelings are diametrically opposed to creating an atmosphere of happiness and fulfillment... Be on your guard against an onset of the blues! As far as work is concerned, you are expecting a big change, an agreement or a contract perhaps, a promotion, or another important decision … But since this development is currently under the influence of the card of Death and the Moon, it might take a while yet. Unfortunately, there is nothing else you can do but be patient. Trying to accelerate things will only have the opposite effect! So, prove to yourself and to the rest of the world that you can wait.

True eh? I knew today was going to be a rough day. I really didn't such an out burst. But then again I guess I do deserve it. Sometimes I do need a good swift kick to the arse.

Scope: A serious attitude today will be due to the Moon conjunct Saturn. You may be somewhat depressed or out of sorts. You will feel cut off from others and quite alone. Work hard, and be conscientious. So what can you do today? Relax and read, or surf the Internet. A lot of interesting information could spark your curiosity.

So looking around on the net today I did bump into an interesting propersition among other helpful information. It's all a matter of doing them. I recall a time where I did pray for something and in turn I got what I asked for, but am I willing to trade? The price seems so much. At least right now it does. But I don't have regrets. It's an experience. Although I may hope for a different result, but everything at a price. What do you want more? I know the well meaning and good intensions, really is the road to hell. Is it a fair trade? What do I want more? And at what price? Hopefully it's just a phase and be better tomorrow. Either way I will be fine, I will be fine on my own. With or without you. I will put in some effort as show of good faith. I want what I can not have and and don't need what is given to me. Funny isn't it? Please take care, you need to look out for yourself and the well intentioned ones as well. Goodnight.

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