Saturday, January 9, 2010

What Do You Want From Me

It's a statement, not a question.

Daily Planetary Overview
Sudden changes will be disruptive today with the Moon square Mars, but there can be a positive outcome. Your emotions will be unpredictable under this influence, and you may not be able to trust them. You'll be fiercely independent and self-sufficient.

Your Horoscope - Today, Jan. 9, 2010
You may sense a bit of conflict in your world today, especially when it comes to your emotions, Melly. Keep in mind that your perception of the situation is apt to make or break the result of any sort of dispute. Look for opportunities in the spaces where you might disagree with others. You can gain a wonderful perspective today when you open up your channels to things that are completely new to you.

I can tell this is really affecting my emotions. But I know I need to keep them under control. I can not let them get the best of me. I am in for some rough times. I know I can not change this over night or learn how to deal with this. I sometimes feel if I had a job, things be different. and yet could take me away. Or maybe I am coming up with excuses.

(I knew it, on for 2 second and then off. Am I being played? I much rather be the player)

So try not to think to much of it, I don't want to keep reliving it over and over again. I know have this impatient beast within me that either needs to be tied up, tamed, or cages up. Really forgot the mistress complex. Why are they so tempting? Think I rather be the mistress than the wife, at least the mistress knows the real situation of what is going on unlike the blind wife. But what are the chances he'd leave the wife?

Maybe email is the way to go. No more waiting. It's at everyone's convenience.

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