Thursday, January 7, 2010

Peace of Mind

~Let it Burn~
Of all the things I remember, this is something I recall. maybe because I did actually try. I am not sure why I cause myself so much heartache. Should I just let the past be the past? But I fear that some how the past likes to come back and chomp down on yo arse. But after the burning pain of last night. I am actually really tired of thinking of it. If this is anything like past experiences, I will just get tired of it and grow numb. All I know if that all I can do is try my best on my end. I know I want to try to control the other end as well. But it seems like something no one can do. One will have to be responsible for ones own choices.

I fell they are right in the way that because of this attachment, weather it's a spouse of child, you feel the need to pry. I need to try to focus on myself. Take care of one self before anything else. I do still worry about things popping up unexpected. I have not yet figured out how to deal with it yet. Hopefully the answer will come to me soon...

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