Tuesday, January 19, 2010


So I wasn't able to get up when I actually wanted to. I did have a dream though. Something a call and was going to meet at like some cave. It was something like from Ridick the tunnels with the worms or grubs. So I get this call and so I arrive. Think it was after class or something and no one was there. Thought they started already but was not sure. But I noticed the cousin's backpack on the ground in the corner, but now that I think back, I knew it was backpack, but for some reason I thought it was cousins. So I decide to try to catch up with them and start crawling. But I run into a giant wormy grub thing. I later get a call but not sure why I didn't pick up or couldn't. So after being scared, I get back home only to see snuggling with cousin in bed. I am not sure if I was mad or shocked. I then woke up.

This is another one of them paragraphs that I looked over:

I am an international student from Macau, China. I have received a few scholarships from SCSU which have helped me a lot in achieving my goals. With the scholarships, I am able to work less and concentrate more on my education. The extra time scholarships have given me has given me opportunities to participate in different student organizations and University-wide committees. These experiences have given me the opportunities to explore more interests which have lead to the development of my interest in the student counseling graduate program. Scholarships have played an important role in my college career and has helped me find my own interests.

~Using Musing~

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