Friday, January 8, 2010

Building Walls

Building Hearts, Not Walls

Never getting agreements
Using disappointment or not getting your own way to use it to train yourself to not always HAVE to get your own way
You can't control this world
Put forth kindness
Frustration and Anger
Flushing Forgiveness, Peace, Kindness, Wisdom
Compassion and Ability to Let Go
The Intention, Kindness, and Sharing in the container (my god, now I feel bad)
Doing the best you can and have given
Don't judge results, it's the path
In meditation, are giving and expecting nothing in return
To forgive and expect change, then your missing the point. Do it for the inspiration of forgiving to raise you to a higher level, outcomes demeans forgiveness
Perfect the process of peace and kindness, and wisdom
Illusion of control
Controlling, Frustration, Anger, Depression

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