Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Life Unexpected

~Taro Taro~
There's an element of contradiction in your love life today, Melly! The influence of the Emperor and the High Priestess is making you more critical, and this is putting distance between you and other people. You just can't stop yourself from challenging everyone's ideas and habits. It's making you cranky and dictatorial, so if you're not careful you'll be getting on your partner's nerves - or those of a potential new lover! A word of advice: stay away from heated discussions. Your attitude at work seems to be lacking in flexibility. And the Tower and the Emperor aren't assisting in the spirit of cooperation either. You are so convinced you're right that you're acting like a bulldozer, without worrying who you run over in the process. Since your colleagues aren't in the mood to give way, you're in for some strained relations and harsh words.

Today overall started off well for the most part and then it went for a slump during the early evening from not finding the nuts I was looking for to dealing with more criticisms. But it's not like they don't have a point. I know priorities. It's not like I can compete. So I got to learn to deal with it. Does it seem fair? Nothing seems to be enough. What is enough? Like anyone would be acceptable. Can it be worse? How much can I take?

~Life After You~
I finally recalled this song and added to the list. No one ever said there was no life afterwards, it's just a different one. One ending and another one starting. It has been awhile death has crossed my mind. It's nothing that I want to linger on for too long. It gets a bit depressing and scary. Not sure what to do. But I got other things to deal with now. If I can't get one thing done, then I should work on another till the time is right for the other. It all needs to be done anyways in which ever order. Though ideally I had an specific order, but things don't seem to turn out the way I want or plan.

All I am after is a life full of laughter..

~Progress, or more like lack of it~
I am trying to fill out the MFPP forms, but I can't seem to email and get answers. Hopefully if they are no included, it will surely save me a lot more forms to fill out. But either way, I want things to be fair. I will try to send it out again soon and I got calls to make.

And that was the worst assessment ever. I couldn't even make an appointment. Fail.

It's funny how no one is speaking today. Not sure what is going on. It could be the lather. I am just tired. But I need to get my arse up tomorrow morning. If I can get this, I will find a way to make this work. Not sure what the Lord wants from me these days. I seem to be lost more or less. Hopefully I will find my way soon..

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