Wednesday, December 2, 2009


~Long Ride~
Liz's place was nice. It wasn't bad at all. To bad bro didn't show up. Though for a slight while I was ever so slightly resentful. I don't want to be the bitch. But I can't help but feel that way slightly. Though I do not think it is reasonable to feel that way. So bitter, so resentful. But after talking, there came some understanding and I could feel the resentment being lifted. But a part of me wanted to hold on. But is it really as it seems?

Learned something about Lu that there was jealousy. Kind of the same way how I felt about Steph. After some time, I feel as though it's a lose cause. But try to understand that things do change and as does relationships.

Spent some time to try some Thai food > green curry all the way. Gotta find a way to make some. Who knew. But do I dare try to make it on my own? It's hard to say. I want to try anyways. But where to find green curry.

Since it was the holiday, I didn't want to bother or bicker and just drove. I really didn't mind it much. Just the usual worry about getting lost. Else, it turned out alright.

Though on Monday I did go slightly nuts over a muffin. Not sure why. Maybe was being too hopeful and childish. Let my imagination get the better of me. To much thinking. To much dreaming as I reflect on some things that were said about. Most were true. sometimes you do need to be straight with some people. Not just some, with everyone including yourself. And not so much worry how they will react and think of what you said.

I feel as though my had is being electrocuted. Just the left hand. Not sure if it's just tired or something is really wrong like electric is leaking. It feels better when I take my hand away. Not sure what to make of it yet. Though for now I hope to sleep and get more done in the morning and feed myself. Give myself hope and motivation to keep moving. I recall a time when every week I would make something. I loved it and it kept me going. Keep me thinking what I was going to make next. I hope to feel that again.

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