Monday, December 7, 2009

Bordeaux Cookies

I was so sure I had another post going but I guess I may have confused it with the scope page. But did save the the scope page.

Daily Planetary Overview
With the Moon conjunct Mars, you may be quick-tempered and restless today. You won't have a lot of patience for delays and lines. You will react to situations in a confrontational manner. Save working with details for later.

Your Horoscope - Today, Dec. 6, 2009
You are an organized, disciplined woman, Melly. No one who knows you would disagree with this. But there are times in life when you need to let things loosen up a bit. This is just such a time. Forget about work, chores, and all your daily obligations. You have been working too hard lately. Live a little. Take this day as a complete holiday. Don't think of this behavior as being irresponsible; think of it as being human!

I think for the most part I knew it wasn't going to be an easy weekend and on the way back I more or less worked it out in my head. I think part of it was the expectations and the worry of that others will think. Besides that, it turned out alright. All within reason. Nothing was as bad as i expected it to be nor did the things I thought was going to happen happened.

So lets cleam myself up. For some reason I went nuts over the cookies. They are like they saw, so crispy and sweet caramel taste. I need to decide if I should just stay up and do things or get up early. It has been a long time since I have gotten up to do anything. Maybe it's something I need to get back into the habit of.
  • Fix up coat (lots to do on that part)
  • Look over stock funds
  • Fill out aid paper
I know goes through a lot for me. Know is good to me. Actions must not go justified. It's unforgivable isn't it? I miss the radio. Where it go? ...

And so I find it and it was in worse condition than I last left it. I was sad, but at the same time determined to make thing better. Who knew the magic of turtle wax was right under my nose.

  • look for song for lu (though I am not even what the song is besides an easy going john mayer type)
There are other minor things I could also work on. But these seem to be the important ones. I found the mp3 player and saw the one pigeon got. It's nice and tempting. The price can only go down anyways and I also got one that does what it needs to do. Not like I look at it all the time and I would abuse it anyways. It really has been a long time since I have listen to the radio. I mean really listen to it and there are so many new songs. I didn't like the idea of plugging the ears. But as does old habits. Auto work mode seems to work well with it on. I really do need to find some sort of work. I wonder where the recharger cord went. Hope it's still with the computer.

~Volcano Mine Dream~
So I had this dream I was in charge of paying there valcano miner's pay to do this dangerious job of going into a valcano to do some job. I am not sure what, but I assume it's like real miners or it was some rescue thing. Was having a disagreement with how little they get paid for such a dangerious job which was $1 per job. Then to justify the pay, had a flashback with how years ago when it was black and white when the pay was a quarter. So there I was trying to find out of after so many years and inflation, was the pay enough for today in realative with past pay where I remember them saying how 25 cents was a lot then. Strange..

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