Monday, December 21, 2009

Bluffing with my Muffin

Now that would be something. Well it's the truth isn't it?

On a side note: I thought I overpaid on the crock pot. But it turns out that the one I got was 5q and the one that's on sale is 3q. So all is good. And now what i thought to give out has been dashed. Oh well, will think of something eventually.

~The Unknown~
Somethings I wonder if it's necessary to say? Can't really know the reality that goes on around us. That's part of the mysteries of life. I don't believe for some reason. I wonder if I am being fair. But is anything ever fair? For some reason I get all upset and every fiber drop of motivation goes out the door. I become full of hatefullness. I really just want to not care. But I guess if it's not important to someone, why should I care? Guess nothing goes on much. Kind of forgot about the dad that found a job, but it more or less reminds of of how useless I am. I really want to try to get some things done. But I keep on delaying it and delaying it. I fear the worse.

I guess if you are really that busy then you are. I just hope you enjoy what you are doing. I really do not understand. Is it really that important? But then again you know how you shouldn't take anyone for any literal.

Is right in many ways is right. Think in many ways rather be left alone. Not to go chasing.

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